Our Centre is fully supported by the Australian Government, and is proud to offer eligible parents the Childcare Benefit and the Childcare Rebate to support their needs in conjunction with their children. We are a long day care facility, open from 6am- 6pm Monday - Friday. We also supply morning and afternoon tea for your convenience. For further information on the Childcare Assistance, please refer to our Parent Handbook.
Morning and Afternoon Tea
Unique Unicorns recognises the importance of instilling good eating habits along with educating about the importance of good nutrition and physical exercise at a young age. Our centre encourages healthy eating practices and regular physical activity and incorporates this into our schedule. Unique Unicorns supplies morning and afternoon tea for your children, with a focus on providing the recommended balance of a child's daily meal intake of the five food groups. Unique Unicorns is sensitive towards children with allergies and culturally diverse families and will endeavour to accommodate their needs.
National Quality Standards
Unique Unicorns went through the assessment process in September 2013 and received an "Exceeding" grading. As a centre owner and Director I am very proud of this result. The centre continually works on improving all areas of care and education we provide, this is evident in our Quality Improvement Plan which is continually updated by incorporating views and feedback from staff and families. Leanne has also received many testimonials from satisfied parents throughout the 10 years of the centres operation.